Who else is a survivor?

Since the moment I was born I’ve done things MY way. Always Miss Independent, stubborn, hard headed, you name it. As I grew older my mom put me in many different things to find “my niche”.  After trying pageants, dance, and everything else imaginable I found myself on an Allstar basketball team. Being a girly girl and on a basketball team didn’t gel. Every game my mom would curl my long blonde hair and put it in pigtails with matching bright yellow bows. Being the star basketball player was not my thing. During one game I was running back and forth on the court waving to my “fans” when suddenly I fell. As I limped off the court to my mom tears filled my eyes. Never being a crier, she was immediately concerned. Excruciating pain ran through my leg, as I tried to tell my mom what was hurting. After the game ended, my mom took me to doctors care to take x-rays. Finally, the doctor came back and told my mom it was just a pulled muscle. However, as the week went by the pain became unbearable. Since I couldn’t even put weight on it my mom called our regular physician for a second opinion…..

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